Ardley J10 M40

The Oxfordshire SRFI is a nationally significant Strategic Rail Freight Interchange (SRFI) on the M40 motorway and Chiltern rail line corridors in Oxfordshire.
We are lead consultant coordinating an extensive project team to prepare an application for a Development Consent Order (DCO). This includes steering the design and masterplanning process, preparing the Environmental Statement and coordinating stakeholders and consultee engagement and consultation.

As a DCO application, once finalised, the scheme will be submitted to the Secretary of State for determination, and we will play an active role in the Examination process.


Strategic Rail Freight Terminal

Up to 6m sq.ft. of rail served distribution warehousing


OxSRFI scheme will aim to deliver:-

Junction 10 M40 upgrade,
and other highways investment


new rail connections
to the Chiltern Line

Significant new landscaping,
tree-planting and habitat
creation (biodiversity net gain)