Prosperity Parc, Anglesey

Former Aluminium Works, Holyhead

This brownfield site has been largely vacant for over a decade. We are working with the landowner to deliver a flexible outline permission which will ensure the site can meet the needs of a range of future occupiers.
The site forms part of the wider Anglesey Freeport initiative which will help drive investment and economic growth in north Wales and beyond.

We are developing the emerging masterplan for the site, and leading a team of specialist consultants to prepare an outline planning application for submission in late 2024.

Key site in Anglesey Freeport

‘Brownfield’ strategic site

Up to approx. 2.4m sq.ft. employment floorspace

Anglesey Land Holdings Ltd

Prosperity Parc is expected to deliver:-

In excess of 1000 jobs
depending on final mix of end users.


£113m approx
capital investment

Retained and new green
infrastructure and landscaping.