Netherfields Lane
Netherfields Lane is a strategic employment site close to Junction 24 of the M1. We identified and secured planning permission for this unallocated site.
We identified and promoted this site on behalf of landowners. The site is not allocated in the Local Plan and there were difficulties associated with the site’s previous uses and its location, partly within the floodplain. Notwithstanding, we secured planning permission for 850,000 sq ft of storage and distribution uses.
Subsequently, we have worked with the developer to discharge all pre-commencement planning conditions and obtain Reserved Matters approval for a scheme of four units.
Strategic Employment Site
Newlands Developments
Newlands Developments
Netherfields Lane scheme has delivered:-
Circa 1,100
new jobs
850,000 sq ft
of floorspace
An increase in economic
value of £62.7 million
GVA per annum